Sensory Self-Care
Sensory overload
Sensory overload is when our senses receive too much information at one time. This could be noise, lights, crowds. It often occurs when there are multiple sensory systems being stimulated. Experiencing sensory overload looks like feelings of stress or overwhelm, or a desperate need to remove yourself from the situation you are in. It looks like a reduced ability to focus and for some people it could be physically uncomfortable or painful.
Sensory accumulation
Throughout the day your sensory systems are working continuously to process sensory input and make sense of it. As the day continues your tolerance for coping with multiple demands and sensory stimulation gradually reduces. If this happens for you, it is important to schedule more sensory demanding activities for the morning. Giving yourself regular sensory breaks such as silent spaces, closing your eyes or seeking a time-out away from people can create a circuit breaker for your sensory system, spiraling into overload.
Sensory connections
Making friends with your sensory system and understanding yourself is a very effective way to catch the spiral. It is much better to give yourself a break rather than wait until you are overloaded to take action. Noticing the sensory demands of your environment is important for this: noise level, busyness levels, lights. Remember, the movement sense is the universal modulator. Getting up and moving about before you reach overload, going out for some fresh air or a quick walk can do wonders in your sensory filled day.
Copyright Neuro Sense Limited April 2024