Meet the Neuro Sense family!

Our team

Kylie Wild

Therapist, Content Manager, Blogger

Kylie Wild is a New Zealand Registered Occupational Therapist with 20 years experience. She has a post graduate certificate in allied mental health, postgraduate diploma in health science and is now working towards her Master of Occupational Therapy focusing on sensory friendly environments. 

 She has experience working across a range of fields including mental health, trauma, addiction, and vocational rehabilitation with a special interest in supporting neurodiverse young people transitioning into adult roles like work. 

 Kylie believes that when someone can understand themselves from a sensory perspective, they become more in tune with themself and their environments. 

Because sensory interventions also target the brain where we experience our stress response this has a powerful effect on achieving calm and focus in everyday occupations. 

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Chris Wild

Chris Wild has 15 years experience assisting New Zealands most vulnerable navigate systems. With a strong passion for seeing youth, those with neurodiversity, addictions, mental health, prisoners, family court participants take better control of their lives.

Being neurodiverse himself Chris has always self managed his challenges however following completing his own Sensory Profile has unlocked further potential and exceeded what he once believed possible.

Chris is an avid user of our products to bring calm and focus to his life and is dedicated to seeing those around him have a similar experience.

Chris is available to remotely assist any participant who needs it to complete the Sensory Profile questionnaire.

He is also available to work with any manufacturer, business or ideas person to bring their neuro diverse products to market. If you wish to partner with Neuro Sense please do get in contact with Chris he would love to work with you.


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