ANZAC day and your senses

A symphony of remembrance

In the quiet moments of dawn on April 25th each year, the essence of ANZAC day is to honour and remember those from Australia and New Zealand who served and sacrificed during World War I and subsequent conflicts. 

If you are planning to join one of the services this year, and you are susceptible to sensory sensitivity or overload here are some tips for you. 

  • Even though you may be expecting it, the gunfire can be loud and sudden. Wear some earplugs if you need to. 

  • Unwanted touch particularly from behind when you're not expecting it in a crowd can be startling. Try and position yourself somewhere at the back where you can visually see others and are prepared. 

  • After the service give yourself some quiet time and find a space to rest. 


In the symphony of remembrance that is ANZAC day, the sensory experience can be both haunting and profound. Yet, amidst the cacophony there is a sense of harmony, as each element comes together to form a tribute worthy of the heroes we honour. 

As the day draws to a close and the sounds fade into the silence, may we carry the memory of their sacrifice with us always, lest we forget.


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